Physical Education, Health & Driver's Education

  • Overview

    The connections between physical and mental health and academic success have been well-established. The physical education and health programs offered by Freeport School District are designed to increase the health and wellness of all students through physical activity and positive lifestyles. Freeport High School also offers driver's education courses to all eligible students between the age of 15 and 21, who reside within the Freeport School District, including private school students and homeschooled students. 


    Physical Education and Health programs in the Freeport School District are aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards for Physical Development and Health and the recommendations of the Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (IAHPERD). Illinois Driver Education Standards are set by the Illinois State Board of Education in collaboration with representatives from the Illinois Secretary of State, Illinois State Police, Illinois Department of Transportation.


    The goal of the Freeport School District K-12 physical education program is to provide students with a better understanding of their own growth and development. The program provides opportunities for students' improvement in their physical, social, and emotional well-being. Units are developed by the teachers within the physical education department and designed to meet the needs of all students, regardless of skill and/or experience.

    Elementary PE teachers make use of the Athlos Movement and Character program as a core resource in planning instruction. Middle school and high school PE teachers rely upon teacher-created resources as well as digital resources such as the PLT4M program.

    Health instruction begins in grades 5-8 using the Comprehensive Health Skills for Middle School program. High school students continue health instruction using the Comprehensive Health Skills for High School program.

    Driver's Education students participate in a combination of classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction designed to meet the state's driver education standards.